Road Repaving News/Information
Dear Neighbors,
Country Club Village is about to undergo a complete repaving. The project is projected to start on February 24, 2022, at 7:30 AM. Some equipment movements in and around the CCV community will occur prior to actual construction. The construction will include milling the roads to remove the top one-inch (1”) of existing asphalt. Followed by sweeping to remove dust and loose particle, applying a hot tack coat to the road surface, and applying a one-inch (1”) layer of new asphalt. Striping will follow after the paving is complete. Approximately 110 feet of curb will also be removed and replaced.
The Hall Company is contracted to complete the work. They provided a Notice of work with a color-coded map detailing a plan of what work will take place on each day they are in CCV milling and repaving. Please take a minute to familiarize when they plan to be working near your home. The map and notice from The Hall Company is attached.
We respectfully request your patience and cooperation to allow the repaving process to go smoothly and seamlessly. Here is some guidance to help you and the paving crews endure the process with minimal disruptions.
1. Residents are asked to suspend deliveries, extra landscapers, roofers, any non-emergency service calls, remodeling, or other things that may generate additional traffic or block roadways during the milling and resurfacing time frame.
2. Residents are asked to suspend sprinklers and irrigation during the paving days.
3. Residents with landscape features that abut the roadway are asked to remove the features until paving is complete.
4. It is Ok to drive on the milled roadway. You may want to reduce your speed.
5. Cars can drive on the new pavement after it is rolled. Keep off the fresh pavement until the rubber-tired roller goes by. It may be better to leave it alone for 2 hours.
6. Some scuffing of the new asphalt is normal and not a serious defect. Residents can avoid leaving scuff marks by not using the power steering while stationary.
7. Do not park on the roads. Parked vehicles will impede the paving process.
8. Obey any flagmen or traffic control people or devices.
Our Goal is to complete the repaving safely for you and the construction personnel.
Thank You,
CCV Board of Directors