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ACC Mailbox Guidelines

All members shall have the following options for a mailbox:

  1. A birdhouse style as originally built. The birdhouse shall be installed on a 4x4 inch post and shall be painted to match the colors of your home. The birdhouse can be purchased or built by a handy person.

  2. A mausoleum mailbox of the original design.

  3. A black mailbox installed on a black post.

    If a member decides to change the style of mailbox they presently have, an ACC request form MUST be submitted. An ACC committee member will contact you to discuss your options. An ACC request form can also be submitted if help is needed to repair your mailbox.

    The ACC request form and instructions are available at the link following:

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Guest User Guest User

Entrance Landscaping

At the May meeting the Board announced that they will not replace the entrance plantings AT THIS TIME due to budget considerations. The declining rosebushes were removed from the mulched beds on the entry road and the board does plan to add plantings to this space when the budget allows.

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ACC Requests

Please note that you must submit an ACC request and obtain approval PRIOR TO MAKING ANY CHANGES to your home exterior and property. Failure to comply may result in additional costs to the homeowner to remove the unapproved changes. The ACC request form and instructions are available at the link following:

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Beautification Efforts

All residents are invited to participate in efforts to make our community more attractive. One way to do that is to request replacement of utility covers that are broken. If you have a broken cover on or near your property please consider taking the initiative to report it and ask for a replacement. ATT handles the phone service for our neighborhood. They took over the Bell South lines and some covers still say Bell South.

Call 800-288-2020 to report/request replacement covers. They will assign a ticket number and repair within 2-4 weeks.

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Guest User Guest User

Board Meeting Notice May 10, 2022

The Board meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. May 10, 2022 at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas. 1401 Forest Hills Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708. Members are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting. Time will be provided at the end of the meeting for any resident questions and comments. The board requests that each resident keeps to comments to three minutes or less.

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Welcome New Board Member

Please welcome Alia Atkinson as the newest addition to the CCV Board of Directors. Thank you Alia for stepping up!

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Did You Know?

Did you know that when you access the CCV website on a mobile device (such as phone or tablet) the page view and navigation is different than desktop/laptop access? When viewing the site on a mobile device you will see an (almost) full screen picture of the CCV entrance and sign. Above the picture you will see the words “Country Club Village at Tuscawilla”. You will also see two horizontal lines in the top right corner. If you click on the lines you will be presented with menu items from which to choose. Use that screen to navigate the site. Each page on the mobile site has the same two bars in the top right corner. And now you know!

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David Thomas David Thomas

Tree Removal Guidance

The City of Winter Springs is a TREE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY.  The City has rules/guidelines for tree removal, and an official city arborist is assigned to help citizens comply with the rules.  Some of these rules are:

·       Property owners must obtain a permit from the city to remove a tree(s)

·       The City Arborist will consult with property owners to assess the health of the tree(s)

·       A tree surgeon -- licensed by the city -- should be hired to remove large trees

·       If a healthy tree is removed, the property owner must replace it with new trees to be planted on the property, or donated to be planted elsewhere in the city.  The number of replacement trees required is based on the diameter of the removed tree(s).

If a diseased or damaged tree is not removed, it could fall and damage an adjacent property. Also, If a tree surgeon performs work in Winter Springs, the city will ensure that the company is competent and insured -- thereby protecting both the home owner and their neighbors.

 Please note that, in addition to city rules,  ACC approval must be obtained when removing a tree from your property. The city rules and ACC process protects property owners and residents.  

See this link for city of Winter Springs permit application and process:

 Chapter 5, Sec. 5-6,
 of the City of Winter Springs Arbor Ordinance requires that a permit application is submitted to the City and a fee paid for each tree removal of 4” DBH* or larger... In addition, Chapter 5, Sec. 5-9, of the City’s Arbor Ordinance requires that all trees which are removed or destroyed and are subject to replacement, be replaced by a species… approved by the City Arborist.

 Tree removal  in CCV must be conducted by a company licensed by the City of Winter Springs. The city maintains a list of licensed tree service contractors. You can find that list at the following link:

 See following link for more information about tree removal and replacement. 

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Guest User Guest User

CCV Streets Update

CCV paving is complete. During March concrete curbs will be replaced at two locations on the Augusta National Blvd loop and at the front entrance. Barriers remain in place on ANB near West Winged Foot Circle due to a broken grate on a stormwater drain. It could take as long as 8 weeks to obtain a replacement grate. Flooding concerns on WWFC have been attributed to removal of an existing asphalt berm during milling. Mitigation strategies are currently under consideration.

Thank you residents for your patience and understanding during the resurfacing project. Thank you resident Ken Morgan for your expertise and oversight of this project.

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Notice of Semi-Annual General Membership Meeting April 12, 2022

The semi-annual general membership meeting will take place at 7:00 PM April 12, 2022 at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas. 1401 Forest Hills Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708. Please join us for this important meeting. Sign in begins at 6:30 PM.

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting. Time will be provided at the end of the meeting for any resident questions and comments. The board requests that each resident keeps to comments to three minutes or less.

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Guest User Guest User

Paving Schedule Changed

The Hall Company had to make changes to the paving schedule due to unanticipated issues maintaining traffic flow in the community. They paved East Pebble Beach Circle on 3/01/22 instead of West Winged Foot Circle as planned. All milling is complete and paving will continue throughout the week. Please understand that additional changes may be made to the paving schedule as needed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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No Leaves in Street

Please be advised that it is NOT appropriate to blow/move leaves and/or yard debris off your property into the street unless you pick up the accumulation you create.

 Eastwood is NOT responsible for maintaining/grooming garden beds belonging to individual home owners. Thanks to all who do their part in this regard. For those that don’t: please help maintain the beauty of our lovely community!

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Board Meeting Notice March 8, 2022

The Board meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. March 8, 2022 at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas. Members are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting. Time will be provided at the end of the meeting for any resident questions and comments. The board requests that each resident keeps to comments to three minutes or less.

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Guest User Guest User

Come Join TheBoard

Currently there are eight Directors on the CCV Board. We are looking for one more Director. No experience needed! Please contact us if you would like to step forward and serve on the Board. Terms are two years each.

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Road Repaving News/Information

Dear Neighbors,

            Country Club Village is about to undergo a complete repaving. The project is projected to start on February 24, 2022, at 7:30 AM. Some equipment movements in and around the CCV community will occur prior to actual construction. The construction will include milling the roads to remove the top one-inch (1”) of existing asphalt. Followed by sweeping to remove dust and loose particle, applying a hot tack coat to the road surface, and applying a one-inch (1”) layer of new asphalt. Striping will follow after the paving is complete. Approximately 110 feet of curb will also be removed and replaced.

            The Hall Company is contracted to complete the work. They provided a Notice of work with a color-coded map detailing a plan of what work will take place on each day they are in CCV milling and repaving. Please take a minute to familiarize when they plan to be working near your home. The map and notice from The Hall Company is attached.

            We respectfully request your patience and cooperation to allow the repaving process to go smoothly and seamlessly. Here is some guidance to help you and the paving crews endure the process with minimal disruptions.

1.    Residents are asked to suspend deliveries, extra landscapers, roofers, any non-emergency service calls, remodeling, or other things that may generate additional traffic or block roadways during the milling and resurfacing time frame.

2.    Residents are asked to suspend sprinklers and irrigation during the paving days.

3.    Residents with landscape features that abut the roadway are asked to remove the features until paving is complete.

4.    It is Ok to drive on the milled roadway. You may want to reduce your speed.

5.    Cars can drive on the new pavement after it is rolled. Keep off the fresh pavement until the rubber-tired roller goes by.  It may be better to leave it alone for 2 hours.

6.    Some scuffing of the new asphalt is normal and not a serious defect. Residents can avoid leaving scuff marks by not using the power steering while stationary.

7.    Do not park on the roads. Parked vehicles will impede the paving process.

8.    Obey any flagmen or traffic control people or devices.

Our Goal is to complete the repaving safely for you and the construction personnel.

Thank You,

CCV Board of Directors


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Divot Clarification: Massey Services

The December issue of the Divot states that homeowners wishing for additional service should obtain a service provider of their choice at their expense. This is not meant to imply that Massey will not address individual issues if they arise. Homeowners do not have to hire another company to service their property in between services. Unless the homeowner has an individual arrangement with Massey, they should not contact Massey directly. Instead, contact our CAM (Vista) and they will get a tech out from Massey to treat specific lawn/shrub issues. This is our original contract with them and nothing has changed.

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Guest User Guest User

Meeting Notice (February 8)

The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. February 8, 2022 at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas. Members are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting. Time will be provided at the end of the meeting for any resident questions and comments. The board requests that each resident keeps to comments to three minutes or less.

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David Thomas David Thomas

Meeting Notice (December 14)

The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. December 14th, 2021. Residents can call in for free at

(425) 436-6394

Access Number: 551-533

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting. Time will be provided at the end of the meeting for any resident questions and comments. The board requests that each resident keeps to comments to three minutes or less.

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Nov 2020


Weather Conditions-

When the weather conditions are unfavorable ( ie; excessive rainfall) Country Club HOA Board of Directors and Eastwood agree to “ERR ON SIDE OF CAUTION” and suspend mowing to prevent ruts and damage to the homeowners lawns and Common Areas.

Weeds and Flowering Shrubs-

Weeds in the garden beds, along the side of the home, walkway, and driveway are the homeowners responsibility.

“All or Nothing” Lawn Service Policy-

Leaves- Homeowners with “NO SERVICE” signs will receive no services from EASTWOOD TUFF TURF (lawn care) regarding the leaves. Homeowners who receive lawn service from Eastwood TUFF TURF the leaves will be blown out of the lawn from the back of the home to the front as needed.

Massey Lawn & Shrub Care-

The Lawn and Shrub Care Service is the first full week of the month on Thursday and Friday. The service alternates each month between lawn and shrub care. The HOA’s agreement is a monthly service. Homeowners wishing for additional service should consider obtaining a service provider of their choice at their expense.

October 2020

We would like to extend a warm

Welcome to our new board members!

George Rishell, John Foster & Michael Bahe

We are very pleased to have you join our board of directors :)

September 2020

On October 13, 2020 we will be holding our

General Membership Meeting

We will be holding elections for (6) open board positions. Please join us for this important meeting and consider volunteering for the board.

Ballots have been mailed and will be opened and counted at the meeting.

The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas Club house in the large room.

1401 Forest Hills Drive, Winter Springs 32708

August 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

The Finance Committee has prepared the budget for the upcoming 2020-2021 and the  Board will vote on the proposed assessment and budget at the Sept 8th board meeting to be held at 7pm at the Wedgewood Tennis Villas clubhouse, 1401 Forest Hills Drive in Winter Springs.  The proposed budget will be available for Members that attend the meeting.  

All those attending will be required to wear masks (not provided) and social distancing will be enforced. 

The Wedgewood Tennis Villas HOA has provided the following information regarding the clubhouse: Face masks and social distancing rules will be followed. 

  • In April, the facility was deep cleaned including all tables and chairs.

  • The facility is professionally cleaned weekly on Tuesdays 

  • Chairs and tables will be disinfected prior to the meeting

  • Monthly the clubhouse is disinfected using electrostatic fogging

June 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00p.m.  

Due to the Covid-19 situation, our meetings will be held via conference call until further notice.   

You are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions for the Directors, please send them in advance of the meeting to Diana 

McCreight at, or you may call her at (407) 682-3443, ext 1231.  

This will allow the Board time to do any research necessary to answer your questions at the meeting.

May 2020


Country Club Village is a private community with private roads. Soliciting is not allowed in our community. There is a sign to this effect posted near the entrance. Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 10-136 states that “it shall be unlawful for any transient or itinerant solicitor to solicit orders for goods, wares, merchandise, newspapers, magazines, periodicals or any other matter having a commercial business purpose, whether for profit or not, including the solicitation of funds, without first obtaining a written permit from the city manager”. Recently there have been a number of roofing companies soliciting for replacement of roofs via a letter dropped off at each home. Be wary of the offers as they are not always truthful.

Curb Appeal

We all embraced the idea of moving into a deed-restricted community when we purchased homes in Country Club Village. We did this in order to protect the ambiance of our neighborhood and thereby also protect the resale value of our homes. The Board of Directors and the committee members work hard to maintain standards within the village to keep it competitive with other communities in Tuscawilla, Winter Springs, and the Orlando Metropolitan Area. Each property owner has an obligation to themselves and also to their neighbors to keep their property attractive and appealing to potential buyers... whether they are personally selling their home or not. This applies to front yards, backyards and side yards. By keeping CCV desirable, we help those residents who are selling their homes to get the highest price possible. In doing so, we are also maintaining the resale value of our own homes.